Note: The rules for vehicles in combat really only apply to wheeled and other ground vehicles. None of the sourcebooks say anything at all about water or aerial combat and I honestly have no idea how to handle it myself. If either boat on boat or air-to-air combat occurs, assume both that the rules will be slightly altered and that the GM has made a serious mistake.

Vehicle Stats

Handling: Represents the vehicle's responsiveness. The vehicles handling + the driver's reaction is considered the vehicle limit; the highest number of successes you can obtain on a vehicle test. Being rigged into your vehicle increases this limit by two.

Speed: Represents the maximum velocity of the vehicle. The top speed of a vehicle is equal to the number of feet it moves per turn at the peak of acceleration. Acceleration is the amount of speed the vehicle will gain if the driver keeps accelerating, and is equal to (The top speed of the vehicle/2) divided by the road penalties.

Off-Road: Represents how well the vehicle responds to road penalties. The higher the road penalties, the slower the vehicle accelerates. If the road penalties reach a number higher than the handling of the vehicle, the vehicle must make a crash test every turn.

Body: Represents the structural integrity of the vehicle. Each point of body provides 5 HP for the vehicle on top of the base HP (see mass) and also provides damage resistance as it would with a character.

Armor: Represents the durability of the vehicle. It works identically to armor on characters except that it can't be damaged through combat maneuvers like tear armor.

Pilot: Represents the capabilities of the electronic piloting system, if there is one. If the vehicle is put on autopilot, their dicepool for vehicle tests is equal to their pilot rating multiplied by two.

Firewall Rating: Also known as the sensor rating, this is a measurement of the complexity of the vehicle's computer capabilities, and is obviously their firewall rating against hacking attempts.

Mass: Represents the size of the vehicle. The mass measures both the maximum carry weight of the vehicle and it's base HP. The base HP of a vehicle is equal to it's mass multiplied by 10. The maximum carry weight of the vehicle is equal to 300 * Mass + (20^(Mass)). The carry weight is halved if it the vehicle is designed for dwarves or increased by 1.5X if designed for trolls.

Off-Road Penalties:

Superb: -3 to road Penalties

Very Good: -2 to road Penalties

Good: -1 to road Penalties

Average: No modifiers

Bad: +1 to road Penalties

Very Bad: +2 to road Penalties

Impossible: Cannot accelerate if road penalties are higher than 1

Pilot Capabilities:

0: Nothing except cruise control

1: Point to point travel with explicit map path or GridGuide support

2: Sensor assisted navigation in uncontrolled environments, can open doors or release weaponry as a free action

3: Can adjust for the motion of the vehicle in order to utilize devices (Mounted vehicle weapons now are not limited by an accuracy rating)

4: Can perform functions given symbolically (e.g. “Car, drive me to Drew Summers”)

5: Can perform multiple body problems (Can electronically fire weapons while moving)

Firewall/Sensor Capabilties:

0: Nothing except speedometer and fuel gauge

1: GPS

2: Motion Detector

3: Thermosensor

4: Radar and Laser Range Finder

5: Magnetic Analyzer and Density Scanner

As vehicles are obviously less easily harmed than humans a vehicle is considered to have a minimum wound threshold of 12, with their body, DR and armor being added on top of that. Vehicles are immune to stun damage, although electrical damage will deal physical damage to vehicles. Their DR is considered to be multiplied by six for the purposes of resisting bullets. Fists and most metal melee weapons also succumb to this change although some weapons like any military grade or monofilament weapon do not.

Drones do not get the DR bonus but have a minimum wound threshold of 6.

Vehicle Test Thresholds

1 success needed: Merging, passing, sudden stop

2 successes needed: Avoiding an obstacle, maneuvering through a narrow spot

3 successes needed: Hairpin turns, driving through unusual places like a crowded mall

4+ successes needed: Jumping vehicle over obstacle, hooking over the vehicle mid-air to remove something from it's underside, turning mid-air

Driver is rigged into vehicle: -2 to successes needed for threshold

Road Penalties

0: Highways, flat plains, open sea, clear sky

1: Main street, rolling hills, dock area

2: Narrow streets, light woods, considerable traffic, shallow waters, air traffic

4: Back alleys, heavy woods, intense traffic, flying at street level through an urban area, heavy rapids

5: Extreme survivalist conditions (The arctic, the amazon rainforest, etc.)

Vehicle Limit Modifiers

Pilot has visibility penalties: Same as visibility penalties – 1

Pilot is wounded: -Wound Modifiers

Vehicle is damaged: - Vehicle Wound Modifiers

Pilot is rigged in: +2

Note: A surprise test is always considered impossible for the driver if they are ambushed while driving. If someone creeps through a target's vehicle and shoots them, they will be considered surprised and will not have the ability to roll to remove this penalty.


Crashes occur when a vehicle is a victim of the ramming action or when a driver fails a vehicle test. Once this happens, the vehicle rolls it's Handling=>4 to attempt to correct itself, where the result must be high enough to pass the test that it just failed at, or else it crashes. When a vehicle crashes, the driver and passengers take the Vehicle Body plus the Vehicle Mass rounded up as either:

Stun damage if the Body + Mass is less than the armor of the victim, or

Pure damage if the Body + Mass is more than the armor of the victim.

In addition, all victims of a crash are considered to have mild fatigue for a minimum of 40 minutes.

Actions During Vehicle Combat

Drivers must spend at least one complex action driving their vehicle, or else the vehicle is considered uncontrolled. All passengers inside an uncontrolled vehicle take a -2d6 dice penalty to their actions until the vehicle is once again being driven. If a vehicle is uncontrolled for more than one turn than the vehicle's autopilot kicks in automatically assuming it has one. Otherwise, the vehicle does nothing except decelerate until it crashes.

Free Driver Actions

Use Simple Device: Anything that the driver can control from their dashboard without any degree of focus can be used as a free action.

Driving Evasively: Unless the Driver declares that they are driving evasively, they are assumed to be driving aggressively. When driving evasively, the driver of the care cannot perform any Complex Driver Actions except driving away normally, breaking away, and stunts. This substitutes their intelligence for their reaction for any dodging actions.

Complex Driver Actions

Note: If a rigger is jacked into their vehicle, all of these actions get a dicepool bonus equal to their rigging skill/2.

Drive Normally: Not really an action at all, just what you are assumed to do if you don't declare anything other than movement.

Fire Vehicle Weapon: A driver or passenger can fire a vehicle mounted weapon with Quickness + Gunnery.

Ramming: Ramming with a vehicle functions like a melee attack. If the target is within 10 feet per minute speed of your vehicle, no modifiers apply. If the target is within 20 feet per minute speed, a -3d6 modifier applies. Any attempt to ram something beyond that range will not work. The driver rolls Intelligence + Vehicle Skill to attack. The target rolls Reaction + Vehicle Skill to dodge. If the driver rolls more successes, the ram is sucessful. See the chart below for damage:

Driver at 1-10 feet per turn: (Vehicle Body + Mass)/2 damage

Driver at 11-50 feet per turn: Vehicle Body + Mass damage

Driver at 51-200 feet per turn: (Vehicle Body + Mass) * 2 damage

Driver at 201-300 feet per turn: (Vehicle Body + Mass) * 3 damage

Driver at 301-500 feet per turn: (Vehicle Body + Mass) * 5 damage

Catch-Up/Break-Away: If a driver wishes to go faster than their standard acceleration, they may roll a Reaction + Vehicle Skill test to catch-up to something, or an Intelligence + Vehicle Skill test to break away from something. For every success, they may move an additional one square beyond their maximum acceleration, assuming it is not above their maximum speed.

Cut-Off Vehicle: By making a sudden movement towards a vehicle within 20 feet per minute of your speed (must be at least 30 feet per minute minimum speed) you can force an intersecting vehicle to crash. Both the aggressive driver and the victim make a Reaction + Vehicle Skill test. If the aggressive driver achieves more hits, the victim makes a crash test.

Stunt: Anything considered out of the realm of what a cautious driver might have to do with that vehicle is considered a stunt. If the driver is considered to be driving aggressively, the Vehicle Limit for this test is equal to the handling of the vehicle plus the driver's Reaction. If the driver is considered to be driving evasively, the Vehicle Limit is equal to the handling of the vehicle plus the driver's Intelligence.

Passenger Actions

Attacking another vehicle: For passengers, attacking another vehicle usually occurs roughly as a normal attack would go. The target driver rolls their Reaction + Vehicle Skill to dodge. Drones roll their Pilot Rating + their Handling Autosoft to dodge.

When both the shooters and targets are in moving vehicles (at least 30 feet per turn), any attempt to aim directly for the people inside the car and not the vehicle itself requires a called shot, and these called shots do not provide automatic criticals. The shooters must have line of sight, which means there has to be a window, a magician scrying into the car, etc. It is not considered possible for an on-foot target to fire directly at the people within a moving vehicle of at least 30 feet per turn.

If a shooter uses fully automatic weaponry against a moving vehicle, it is considered to hit the vehicle and everyone in it, and the passengers in that vehicle are considered to have Medium Cover and thus receive an automatic defense test where each success will block 4 damage. The rules for blind fire (no crits possible without having direct line of sight) may also apply. The same rules apply for splash weapons like grenades.